Monday, August 07, 2006

Covenant Communion

The Case for Covenant Communion is an interesting book, if for nothing else in that it shows the unanswerable inconsistency of administering one of the sacraments to infants and then withholding the other from them. Something that has been the practice of the overwhelming majority of the Reformed tradition from Geneva onwards and something Baptist’s have consistently highlighted.

Baptist’s have also too often been guilty of using this as a conclusive argument against Paedobaptists. As if somehow that by pointing out the inconsistency in their opponent’s argument, that by de facto proves that your argument must be right. Dream on! Actually the Paedobaptist’s answer to the Baptist’s cry of ‘Well you don’t allow your children to the table’ should always have been ‘No, but actually we should’. So the Auburn Avenue’s latest publication is also of value in removing a poor and all too frequent Baptist argument within this debate.